Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Digital Marketing

        Our class for month nine was Digital Marketing.  This course had a very useful Leadership Portfolio for understanding what you can do for yourself and your company using today’s newest online technologies.  Our Leadership Portfolio assignment was to set up an account using an RSS reader, like Google Reader for example, to search keywords utilizing multiple aggregator sites like Twitter Advanced Search and Google alerts for job searches in a specific “job search” folder.  We also created a “reputation” folder, where I utilized Twitter Advanced Search, Google Alerts, and  Lastly, I created an “industry news” folder utilizing Active8Social RSS, Fusion Sports RSS, Twitter Advanced Search, and Google Alerts.  The final part of our assignment was to create a “professional profile article” listing three of your biggest values, why they are important to you, and how you are going to ensure that these values are effectively portrayed in your online reputation.  The three personal values I listed were creativity, integrity, and boldness.  As a self-proclaimed serial entrepreneur, I feel that these are the three characteristics I aspire to have associated with my name when people think of who I am both as a businessman and as a person in general.

            My strengths of attitude, vision, and people all come into effect in the professional profile.  These characteristics represent the positive attitude and vision I want people to associate with my name.  I also want them to see me as an entrepreneur who is extremely influential, solves problems, and creates positive change in every aspect of my life.  Whether personal or professional, your online reputation is very powerful.  It can cause people to pass judgment before they even meet you either in a positive or negative light.  It can cause people to spread information about you like wildfire.  It can shoot you straight to the top or destroy your career before you even realize what’s happening.  Simply put, the Internet is a very powerful tool.  If you can harness its powers and use it for good, you can find all the information you’ll ever need to know, and can lay the framework for you and your business to become an instant sensation.          

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